Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Accidental Biographer

It is midday when your manager brings you a piece of work. It is extremely urgent; he says - a proposal which needs to go out by evening. He talks about how interesting the opportunity is, with the formulaic beat of an insurance salesman, and as he does so, your eyes glaze over. You try to focus on little things while maintaining the facade of animated attention, such as his blocking of the pleasant air conditioning, the undead flatness of his voice, and his general unattractiveness. Beyond these distractions, you dimly piece together the requirement, which seems to be to transform a bulky CV of some storied expert Mr. N__, into a half-page bio. Presently you find that you are left alone, with a couple of hours to turn in something or the other to meet your manager's expectations.
This fresh piece of unpleasantness, you discover, changes your outlook to the day. It was not long since you were happily thinking of ways to spend the approaching weekend, perhaps with your romantic interest J__, and various other fanciful thoughts which enter your mind. But now this work taints the surface of the pool of your fantasy, promising a bitter aftertaste. The CV, when it arrives does nothing to help things. With a sinking feeling, you discover that it is 40 pages long, poorly formatted and replete with references and dates well before your birth.
As you sit back and evaluate your misfortune, you are stuck by the incongruity of the entire affair. Five months ago, you had submitted your brilliant analysis of fiscal transfers to enter this organization, with the promise of ground breaking analysis and research. However, fate has played its cruel hand, changing your career course to that of an unwilling biographer, tasked with chronicling the life and exploits of Mr. N__, who might require a small army of biographers to effectively summarize his achievements, spanning decades and continents; into a folio of seven volumes, let alone a half-page precis.
He has worked across multi-billion dollar projects, with seventeen major developmental agencies, countless national and provincial governments, and scientific and research schools. He also boasts of close friendships with people in power - national leaders, dictators and the like. He seems to have singlehandedly lifted a quarter of the world out of poverty, showing governments the error of their ways. In country A__, he has increased milk production by a factor of four, in L__, he has decreased the number of rapes by half, in M__, he has increased the life expectancy by eight years, and so on. He seems to be the deus-ex-machina for any challenge in the developing world, bettering Hercules, who after all had only twelve challenges. See – he has been the full time advisor to dictator Z__ of P__ from 1995 to 2002, in the period transforming the man from the dangerous and capricious demagogue he was, to the kindly and benevolent leader he has become. Similarly, his "on ground" presence and full time commitment for Foundation G__, from 1998 to 2005, has resulted in complete elimination of wife beating in the godless country H__.
But wait! You smell a rat! How could he have done two full time commitments simultaneously in countries on either side of the world? You check the details. Things do not add up. In fact, you find that dictator Z__ was shot dead when in his privy in 2000. Unless Mr. N__ was his mentor in afterlife, he is in fact a complete fraud!
Armed with this hypothesis, an investigative scan of the CV now reveals that the document makes no sense, unless as a bundle of lies. With a crushing sense of betrayal, you recognize what this means - children are still starving, wives are still being beaten and women are still getting raped. Indeed, now you realize - how could Mr. N possibly have increased milk production fourfold unless perhaps, he had clung to the tits of cows with the same extractive hirudinal obsession which he seems to exhibit in his fee rates.
This throws you into a drowning reflection of legacy of this industry, of the tens of donor agencies, breeding the hundreds of Mr. N__s, sitting in their lairs and churning out fantasies of panacea, backed by an army of consultants and analysts to propagate the fantasy to the next generation. Within this larger swirling maelstrom, you discover your own face, spiraling into this script of endless lies. 
So you write
“Mr. N__ has, over four decades of his professional experience (which is closer to fifteen decades if the Mobius strip of his time perception is hammered down to a more linear narrative) dedicated to extermination of injustice and inequality across the world. He has championed causes beyond count to finish god’s work (which has been incapably left incomplete).
As for his specific competencies for the assignment in question, you will agree that they do not matter. For what Mr. N__ brings to the table is leverageable expertise in any and every stream of conceivable (and quite a few inconceivable) area of work. His existence is a continuum of marrying severely unrelated techniques to equally unrelated contexts, drawing baffling inferences from social experiments, advocacy to open closed eyes, blinding unnecessarily open eyes and mind control. Appreciation of the entirely of his professional wisdom in your specific study’s context (with all due respect) is impossible, for Mr. N__ is figuratively the class of Gödel Statements in successively nested project logics – embodying an asymptotic race towards provability and understanding. However, be convinced that at the said asymptote, he shall present to you the totality of wisdom of his collective (paid) experiences, like a stunning coda!
If this does not convince you, Mr. N__ brings to the table the intellectual cynicism and unparalleled ability of hindsight, which your project is looking for to cover its eventually guaranteed failure. When you see Mr. N__ (which you probably might never – you see, we have not seen him yet, though he is an associated expert for many years with our firm), you will recognize in him the much awaited partner to your journey that you have been searching so long. Why, Mr. N__ does not even need to exist physically (though he probably does), for he is the leitmotif of all developmental fantasies – yours and ours; to create that all knowing silver bullet for the world’s problems we collectively and desperately convince ourselves we are interested in.”
You mail this out to your manager, who unseeingly integrates it into the proposal, sending it to the client.

The only consolation, you reflect alone in your small room in the crowded city (watching the raucous birds going back to their nests over the fast falling twilight), is that like all the other proposals you have written, this one as well stands a negligible risk of being read.

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